Red Dead Redemption 2 has a neat travel mechanic that lets you travel across the map without having to do anything, and it’s not fast travel.
While fast travel is an option in Red Dead Redemption 2 I don’t know why anyone would use it, you’d be missing out on the gorgeous world Rockstar Games created.
I mean look at some of these views! Over five years later and it still looks groundbreaking
Anyway I digress, typically you’d travel on a horse or if you’re a psychopath you might run everywhere instead, but there’s a third option, hitchhiking.
In a Reddit thread by Omoplata-69 asking people what their biggest “Wait… You Can Do That?!” moments have been in Red Dead Redemption 2, someone brought up “asking people in wagons/coaches/buggies for rides.”
Safe to say some players were amazed, with one saying “WHAT?!? I have done 3 playthroughs and never once come across this. I may fire up a save just to try it out. Is it part of greeting them?”
Another followed up saying “Just discovered this about a month ago. Makes me wonder what else I’ve missed.”
Another actually gave some historical context for the feature, saying “being stranded without a horse in the wilderness could lead to death. That’s why people give rides, and why horse thieves were prosecuted harshly. Hitchhiking only stopped being a thing about 80 years later.”
It’s a cool feature, and another example of the attention to detail Rockstar put into Red Dead Redemption 2 as I’m sure the game never tells you that you can do this.
With GTA VI on the horizon it makes you wonder what kind of interactions we’ll be able to have with the NPCs in that game, though we probably won’t be doing any hitchhiking as you know, taxis exist now…
Topics: Red Dead Redemption, Red Dead Redemption 2, Rockstar Games