Red Dead Redemption 2 players can explore even more of Guarma than ever before, thanks to a free expansion.
Now Red Dead Redemption 2 is already a massive game, and there’s a lot of ground to cover if you want to see and do everything, Arthur should have a completed diary by the end of your playthrough.
If you’re feeling nostalgic relive the magic of the Red Dead Redemption 2 trailer below
You can make your playthrough bigger though, with mods that allow you to revisit Guarma and actually have a proper look around.
Usually you visit Guarma for a very short amount of time before being whisked away again, never to return, but mods can make it playable again.
Guarma Enhanced And Restored Continued does just that, and it’s free to play now on NexusMods if you’re interested.
Aside from making it playable though, the mod’s creator tiger639493 wants to expand the borders of the location so there’s even more ground to explore.
According to the mod page the plans for the expansion include: Increasing the size of the playable area, adding props around the map, “improvements,” weapons that can be picked up, cannons that can be used.
That’s only the start though, it’ll likely become an even bigger project as time goes on, hopefully anyway.
While there isn’t a whole lot to do right now it’s at least a change of scenery you can escape to if you’re getting bored of the base game.
It’s a shame Red Dead Redemption 2 didn’t receive any form of single player expansion content when it was still new.
Unfortunately Rockstar Games either didn’t want to or believed Red Dead Online would be a more popular game mode, something that didn’t quite work out as it just wasn’t as entertaining as GTA V Online was.
Topics: Red Dead Redemption, Red Dead Redemption 2, Rockstar Games, Mods, PC