Red Dead Redemption 2 has lived in our head rent free since its release in 2018.
The result is a community always looking for ways to revitalise the experience so that it feels new.
This one setting change we’re about to inform you of isn’t the only way to transform your next playthrough – there are other ways to make it feel like a “whole new game”.
Nevertheless, what's one more added to the pile?
When you next ride out with Arthur, make sure you play without the minimap as your guide.
Lost your way? Take a break and watch these funny wins and fails from Red Dead Redemption 2.
A bit like saying “Jesus, take the wheel”, you cut out the hand holding to experience the game from a fresh perspective.
I haven’t tried this personally, but Redditor trampolinebears has.
They claim, “The process of feeling your way around the world results in knowing the world. I ended up enjoying exploring so much that I went out a-wandering before doing most of the in-camp starting missions.”
Consequently, you get a “wonderful experience”.
Some Red Dead Redemption 2 players haven’t felt brave enough to attempt to navigate without the minimap keeping them on course.
However, those who have speak of NPCs helping to direct you instead of the map.
“Another great detail about no minimap is characters will audibly tell you physical directions during missions if your map is off. They won't if your map is turned on,” revealed one user.
For those moments when no directions are given, it can feel a tad daunting to find your own way to a specific location.
But once you manage it, the “gameplay is way better off without” the minimap.
You don’t have to change this setting if you don’t want to. Still, it does no harm to try it.
If you’ve played the game several times over, you’ll likely know where to go anyway.
Taking into account that there’s a hidden ending that can spare Arthur from his doomed fate, now is as good of time as any to start another playthrough.
Ride true, gamers.
Topics: Red Dead Redemption, Red Dead Redemption 2, Rockstar Games, Take-Two