The festive break has now drawn to a close. I hope amidst the merriment you were able to fit in some time for rest and relaxation, which obviously entails gaming.
Did you use the break to tackle your backlog? Finish this year’s releases you’d left hanging? Or did you dive into an old favourite for the umpteenth time? I’d like to think that I did a good mixture of all three, but it’s oh so easy to only fall into the latter camp. Whichever franchise it is that holds your heart, there’s something so magical about getting lost in a beloved and familiar world. From The Last of Us to The Legend of Zelda, or Horizon to Pokémon, so many franchises are a delight to return to. In fact, just over five years since it was originally released, Red Dead Redemption 2 fans still can’t move on from the game’s stunning open-world.
Take a look at some of our favourite Red Dead Redemption 2 wins and fails from over the years below.
The discussion was started by Reddit user Obelisk7777 who wrote, “Blows my mind that GTA [VI] is going to surpass these visuals.” The accompanying video showed several of Red Dead Redemption 2’s picturesque landscapes. It’s a good point. To this day, Red Dead Redemption 2 remains one of the best-looking games out there. Technology moves quickly. Five years can easily lead to something showing its age. Not with this Rockstar Games masterpiece though.
The post, at the time of writing, has garnered an impressive 23,000 upvotes. “I remember when I got caught in some crazy thunder storm and I’m pretty sure I saw a tornado. I was scared yet amazed at the same time,” said user eyi526 in awe of Red Dead Redemption 2’s immersive complexity. “One of my best memories of RDR2 is when I was camping on a hill, cooking food and could see the thunderstorms coming towards me from a distance,” agreed Brown_Panther-.
“I just started with RDR2 after letting it sit for a couple of years,” began Frunnin. “I love just riding around, exploring, and enjoying the scenery. It is an incredibly beautiful game. The details blow my mind.” Admittedly, GTA VI is an entirely different kettle of fish. While Rockstar remains at the helm, Red Dead Redemption 2 is all wide-open vistas. GTA VI will offer up a dense metropolis. Still, I’m sure Rockstar won’t disappoint, at least we hope.
Topics: Red Dead Redemption, Red Dead Redemption 2, Rockstar Games