As gamers we often feel heartbreak; usually when a game isn’t as good as we hoped, or maybe games get delayed. There’s nothing worse than a cancellation though. Especially when we’ve had a chance to try said game, or watch trailers that get us incredibly excited.
Whenever conversation drifts to the potential loss when a game is cancelled certain games rear their head. For me, I will always put forth Half-Life Episode 3 as Valve seems content to let that franchise languish, but for many, the choice is PT, otherwise known as Silent Hills.
While we'll never get PT, we are getting a remake of Silent Hill 2, which is coming soon
PT was a game that seemingly took the internet by storm; a playable demo that rightly scared the pants off everyone who played it. Developed by Hideo Kojima and his team, for Konami, PT feel victim to Kojima and Konami’s falling out and the final game was ultimately cancelled. In a discussion on Reddit, this game received the most upvotes and became the top reply to the question, “What cancelled game was the most devastating?”
Wading through the other replies we find a lot of missed opportunities; “I'm still not over Starcraft: Ghost” says one reply, who found agreement in someone agreeing, “This is the one true answer.” Another user nominated Scalebound, “The cancellation of Scalebound hit me hard. It looked like such a promising action RPG with dragons, and I was eagerly awaiting its release.”
A few people mention Mega Man saying things like, “For me, over the long run, Mega Man Legends 3.” It was a game that was destined for the 3DS but ultimately found itself cancelled. I found myself agreeing with this user who picked another Blizzard title, “This isn’t quite what you were asking but when they announced Overwatch 2 was scrapping the PvE aspect of the game, I was devastated.” That game mode showed so much promise. If a genie could resurrect one game, what is your choice?
Topics: Silent Hill, PT, Konami, Silent Hills