P.T., one of the scariest games ever made only to be cursed to languish in demo form forever, has been ported to the PlayStation 5. And it didn't require any sort of villainous elastic trickery to do so. There can be miracles when you believe.
For those with their finger on the silent pulse of P.T., you won't be surprised to find out that it's Lance McDonald who managed to crack the code and bring the game back onto a brand new platform. McDonald has ventured into the darkness of the demo, discovering that there is a frightening bathroom scene that was left out of the final version, that the identity of the player character is exactly who we expected it to be, and actually strolled the streets that are shown at the very end of the game. Obviously, rummaging round in the code for this game gave McDonald more jumpscares than he'd ever like to experience in one lifetime, and instead of calling it a night, he's now transferred P.T. to the PlayStation 5.
Check out a snippet of gameplay from The Callisto Protocol, an upcoming horror set on a space prison that becomes overrun with hideous monsters out for blood.
"Eat sh*t, Konami!" he crowed in a Tweet that showed a recording of the start of P.T. running as smooth as silk on the console. "I got P.T. working on a fully updated, non-jailbroken PlayStation 5! ... I was able to transfer a hacked PS4 emulator from a different jailbroken PS5 using USB backup to unlock the game on my main PS5!" That sounds convoluted!
If you want to give it a go, McDonald said that your PlayStation Network account needs to be activated on a jailbroken PlayStation 5 and on a regular PlayStation 5. You must own P.T. legitimately - no hacks or silliness here, please - and have about $300 to burn on USB drives. Yes, I mean it. "I was out for a walk and I suddenly thought of a method that might work. Stopped in at a PC shop and bought $300 worth of USB hard drives to carry home and frantically started messing around," explained McDonald. "I’m so happy it worked!"
Topics: PT, PlayStation