Hold on to your wallets, there’s a brand-new expansion coming to Pokémon TCG Pocket next week.
Dropping on 17 December, players will be whisked off to ‘Mythical Island’ where you can snag a gorgeous card based on the iconic Pokémon Mew.
Pokémon TCG Pocket is about to get even more cards
This news comes hot on the heels of an update that the game has been downloaded over 60 million times, proving that people really do want to catch ‘em all.
Pokémon TCG Pocket will be expanded next week with a bunch of new cards, including a Mew Ex, along with an Aerodactyl Ex.
There’s no official word on how many cards will be included in the set, but you can get a good look at them via the trailer.
Of course, while there will be plenty of new Pocket Monsters to battle with, we’ll also get some support and trainer cards.
We managed to spot Blue and Leaf in the montage.
It seems the theme will be the mythical life on a tropical island, going by the visuals, and from what we’ve seen the artwork is typically gorgeous.
There seem to be some lovely full art cards, I spotted a Dedenne that looks like it came out of a fairy tale picture book.
We’ll also get some variants on cards already in the Genetic Apex set, as there was a new version of Magmar shown in the trailer.
Be prepared for an influx of new cards and get as many Genetic Apex packs opened between now and 17 December, as you’ll want to use all your hourglasses on the new set.
Hopefully, with this release, we’ll start to see the meta changing in PvP as many new cards will shake up the power levels and bring new abilities.
With 60 million players worldwide and a bunch of new cards, this is only the beginning for Pokémon TCG Pocket.
Topics: Pokemon, Free Games, Mobile Games