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'The Last Of Us Part 2' Is A Beast Spanning Two Discs

'The Last Of Us Part 2' Is A Beast Spanning Two Discs

The beast with two discs.

Ewan Moore

Ewan Moore

The Last Of Us Part 2 is apparently going to be a truly enormous game. Naughty Dog has already said multiple times that it's the longest and most ambitious title in the studio's 35 year history. We've also heard that the single-player experience is so meaty and involved that it was decided there's simply no room to include the previously-planned multiplayer as a part of the game - Naught Dog has instead opted to release the multiplayer mode as its own standalone experience somewhere down the line.

The bottom line then, is that The Last Of Us Part 2 is gonna be a real big chungus of a game. This innate largeness most likely pertains to the game's length specifically, but I'd imagine that it also refers to the amount of space the damn thing will take up on your PlayStation. It is a gorgeous game, after all, and just has to be pushing the PS4 to its absolute limit in the same way that a game like Red Dead Redemption 2 clearly pushed the hardware.

Red Dead Redemption 2
Red Dead Redemption 2

With that in mind, it should come as no surprise to learn that, just like Rockstar's epic open world Western, The Last Of Us Part 2 is so large that it'll be spread across two blu-ray discs.Going off of previous examples such as Red Dead, I'm assuming that we'll have to install the game in its entirety over both discs before using one specifically to boot up the game. What this inevitably means is that you'll be looking at one hell of a download if you're buying digital, so make sure you and your hard drive are ready for that.

Now, just because The Last Of Us Part 2 is on two discs like Red Dead Redemption 2, that doesn't mean we can suddenly assume that the two games are of a similar length. While it can be safely reasoned that Naughty Dog's upcoming sequel is a hefty boy, it's an entirely different genre made by an entirely studio. We might be able to say that the game will take up a similar amount of space as Red Dead Redemption 2, but that means absolutely nothing in regards to attempting to work out the length of the story, so let's just temper our expectations, yeah? Yeah.

Even if The Last Of Us Part 2 is Naughty Dog's longest game to date, I really don't see it getting up to anywhere near the 40-hour mark, which is where the average length of Red Dead Redemption 2's story sits. That's just not how Naughty Dog makes games, so I personally wouldn't bet on anything over 25 hours.

The Last Of Us
The Last Of Us

That's just me though, and it's incredibly unlikely that Naughty Dog will come out and confirm the game's length anytime soon, so maybe we should just wait and see for ourselves. All we need to know at this stage is that The Last Of Us Part 2 is clearly a beast that'll push the PS4 to the extreme, and that's enough for me.

Featured Image Credit: Naughty Dog

Topics: PlayStation, The Last of Us Part 2, Naughty Dog