It is no secret that Naughty Dog’s Uncharted series is up there with some of the greats. However, with the last instalment releasing back in 2016 and marking the end, some fans are desperate for a few more titles in the action-adventure franchise.
First released in 2007 with the arrival of Uncharted: Drake’s Fortune, Naughty Dog’s action-adventure series tells the story of Nathan Drake, a treasure hunter who has often been likened to the male Lara Croft. With the game going on to receive three more main instalments and a handful of spin-offs, DLCs and even a movie, it is safe to say that it made quite the impression.
Check out Uncharted: The Nathan Drake Collection below!
However, with the news that 2016’s Uncharted 4 would mark the end of the franchise, fans were left devastated but despite the news, it hasn’t stopped them from calling for more.
One such fan took to r/PS5 this week to ask if anybody else would be interested in an Uncharted title for the PlayStation 5. “Firstful, this is all hypothetical. I'm not expecting Naughty Dog to revisit Uncharted and I know they probably just moved on”, they wrote. “But if it was your decision, would you like one more Uncharted game for PS5?
I honestly don't want Uncharted 5 since I believe the story ended in the most perfect way, and they need to stop right there without ruining it. But at the same time I wouldn't really mind another game like The Lost Legacy, I absolutely loved it. But maybe a much bigger game this time. Uncharted deserves one last ride.”
As you can expect, many fans agreed with one saying: “I want one every single year, I don’t care what anyone says.” However, many agree that Nathan Drake’s story had the perfect ending and so if there was another Uncharted game, it should welcome a brand-new protagonist.
“Playing through Lost Legacy gave me confidence they can do Uncharted without Nathan Drake,” they wrote. “That formula isn’t stale and seeing them do India was breathtaking. Naughty Dog would nail another entry. Sign me the f up”.
Despite Naughty Dog seemingly being “done” with the Uncharted franchise, the impossible could happen and let’s face it, heaps of fans will be waiting.
Topics: Uncharted, Naughty Dog, PlayStation