I can’t believe that we’re already discussing next-gen consoles. I wouldn’t say that it feels like mere months ago that the PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X/S landed because that simply isn’t true.
That being said, none of the aforementioned consoles feel old enough to soon be shipped off to the console graveyard.
Admittedly, our reliable gaming companions are likely at about the halfway point of their life cycles. Sony described the PlayStation 5 as being in the “latter stages” but with the console being over just three years old, it stands to reason that it’s got just under three left in it.
With that in mind, it's most likely that we’ll see new-gen consoles drop in 2027 or 2028 but that’s by no means a concrete window.
As for what the PlayStation 6 will have in store for us, very little is known with Sony keeping its cards close to its chest.
We know a tad more about Xbox’s next-gen console with the company’s Sarah Bond teasing that the console would mark “the largest technical leap you will have ever seen in a hardware generation,” on the official Xbox podcast.
We’ve got Grand Theft Auto VI to look forward to before next-gen consoles arrive. The game is set to arrive in 2025.
A new rumour has surfaced regarding the next-gen, with one insider claiming that Xbox’s console will come in slightly cheaper than the PS6.
As reported by ComicBook, this tidbit of information has come from YouTuber Red Gaming Tech. They claim that the next-gen Xbox will use a Zen 5 CPU which is likely to be marginally weaker than what the PS6 uses - and therefore cheaper.
This all sounds incredibly speculative so I’d take this rumour with an enormous pinch of salt.
If the Xbox did come in cheaper, this would mark a big change. The PS5 and Xbox Series X were about on par with one another, but the PS4 was cheaper than the Xbox One.
I’m somewhat dubious about this only because of the aforementioned claim made by Xbox’s Sarah Bond.
Given that that’s the only official word we’ve had on the next-gen Xbox, it’s hard to believe that the goal would also be to undercut the PS6 by opting for cheaper tech if it’s simultaneously aiming for the biggest technical leap.
I think for now, the best thing is going to be to sit tight and see what unfolds. The next-gen will arrive when it’s ready to do so.
Topics: Xbox, Xbox One, Xbox Series S, Xbox Series X, Microsoft, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, PlayStation, Sony