The PlayStation 5 is fast approaching its second birthday. In console terms, it’s still very much a baby yet Sony are already planning to release a completely new PS5 in September 2023. As I’m sure you’re aware, PS5s are like gold dust but next year, Sony are hoping to shift over 30 million consoles so to speed up availability, a new design is supposedly on the way.
Currently, you can purchase either a digital-only PS5 console, or the disc drive version. The new design features a detachable disc drive so Sony only has to produce one type of base console. Sony are yet to confirm this news but it’s a rumour that’s gaining traction. Whilst we’re looking to the future of the PS5 though, fans are looking to the past, remencising about the PlayStation 4’s themes.
Are you excited for the release of Gotham Knights next week? Check out the trailer below.
Themes sure were fun, right? And there were plenty of great options back in the day. It’s no secret amongst the GAMINGbible crew that I am a major The Last of Us fan, so it won’t surprise any of my chums that I had a TLOU theme adorning my console.
Reddit user zoluh recently mocked up what the PlayStation 5 UI might look like if it was set up to adopt PlayStation 4’s themes and it’s certainly unleashed a wave of nostalgia for many PlayStation owners. Zoluh wrote, “Sony was planning to keep themes on the Playstation 5. Do you think they should of kept it?”
No_Necessary_8240 said, “Hell yeah! I felt like the themes were a great way to express yourself or keep up with the seasons,” with UnkleMonsta adding, “Yes, being able to personalise your system is part of the fun especially if you bought a few themes. Hopefully I'll get to use my PS2 dynamic theme again.” Others shared their favourites. Enuntiatrix wrote, “Life Is Strange Before the Storm for me. Still missing this theme, it was so nice and calming,” and MidnightWidow said, “I miss my Kingdom Hearts 3 dynamic theme on PS4.” Perhaps one day they’ll return.
Topics: PlayStation, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5