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PlayStation 5 users surprised with free open-world RPG

PlayStation 5 users surprised with free open-world RPG

MMORPG fans won't want to miss out on this

A brand-new open-world RPG is set to launch on the PlayStation 5 later this year and it’s one to keep an eye on if you’re a fan of seamless exploration and massive scale PvPvE.

Amazon’s free-to-play fantasy MMORPG is the next big title by Amazon Games and is set to arrive on the PlayStation 5 on 17 September. Not only that but it will be entering an open beta around mid-July.

Can this brand-new MMORPG stand up against the likes of Final Fantasy XIV?

Titled Throne and Liberty, the MMORPG is developed by NCSoft (Guild Wars) and is set in a warring open world where massive-scale combat is a common occurrence.

"Adapt your fight to survive and thrive through strategic decisions in PvP, PvE, or both as you encounter evolving battlefields impacted by weather, time of day, and other players,” the official synopsis reads. “There is no single path to victory as you seek to defeat Kazar and claim the throne while keeping rival guilds at bay."

With the servers accommodating “thousands of players at once”, Throne and Liberty aims to stand shoulder-to-shoulder with the likes of Final Fantasy XIV and Elder Scrolls Online but it is no easy task to compete against the biggest titles in the MMORPG genre.

In the ever-changing environment of Solisium, players will be able to transform into creatures and battle across land, sea and air or scale the expansive mountain ranges to explore a land of magic and opportunity.

With the ability to partake in castle sieges and epic battles against other players or even take the time to explore the towering cliffs and cavernous dungeons, Throne and Liberty is guaranteed to feature all the must-haves of an epic RPG and better yet, it’s completely free.

Throne and Liberty will be released on the PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X/S and Steam on 17 September.

Featured Image Credit: Sony

Topics: PlayStation 5, PlayStation, Sony, Free Games