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Xbox players facing one-year bans as part of new strike feature

Xbox players facing one-year bans as part of new strike feature

Are you going to Xbox jail?

Xbox players are going to need to walk a fine-line if they’re to remain on their accounts, because Microsoft is cracking down on toxic gamers.

For the gentile players amongst you who simply want to enjoy their games in peace, free from the burden of enraged manchildren who go out of their way to spread abuse across all gaming sub-communities, you can relax. This warning isn’t for you.

Check out Starfield... and don't get banned before its release!

But for those of you who’ve caused trouble in the past, your time is nigh because Xbox has launched the Enforcement Strike System. The community blog post that covers all the details is extensive, but well worth the read when you have the time. If you’re short on time, allow us to paraphrase in an easily digestible manner:

Don’t be mean.

To deal with toxicity, and the varying ways it presents itself within the community, Xbox have introduced an eight strikes and you’re out system. As Xbox explains “For example, a player that has received two strikes will be suspended from the platform for one day, whereas a player that receives four strikes will be suspended for seven days.”

Obviously, the full eight strikes is the worst outcome. If you hit that total (you should be ashamed), you will be locked out of all social features like parties, messaging, etc for an entire year.

Furthermore, these Microsoft strikes you gain will remain on your Xbox account for six months as a constant reminder of what you did. Short of forcing you to stand in the corner, this is Xbox’s second best choice.

Been bad in the past? Xbox has said “players will all begin with a blank slate, or zero strikes”. The statement then adds, “Any previous enforcements, such as suspensions, must still be completed; new enforcements as of today will result in strikes.” It would seem your bad choices are here to stay, they’ll just appear in different formats as we all get used to the new Enforcement Strike System.

Despite a whole new system being introduced, players who disagree with their strikes can appeal; if they successfully overturn the enforcement, the strikes received will be removed.

This isn’t the first time Xbox has cracked down on users misbehaving – earlier in the year, fans using emulators were banned. Users started to receive 15-day suspensions for their misdemeanour, much to their frustrations.

The new law over at Xbox is now in effect. Be warned, and behave.

Featured Image Credit: Microsoft

Topics: Xbox