Another week, another Microsoft sanctioned butt controller. Thanks for making my job more difficult, you dorks. Everyone already used all the good bum related puns last week.
Last week it was Deadpool's time to shine, following the announcement that a derrière-themed (yes I just Googled "bum synonyms", do not judge me) Xbox controller would be released as part of a cross-promotional effort between Marvel and Microsoft for the upcoming film Deadpool & Wolverine.
And now, it's Wolverine's turn - as IGN announced yesterday that Microsoft are turning their attention towards Logan's caboose for their latest rump-inspired peripheral.
The colour scheme for the controller actually looks pretty cool, and definitely pops a bit more than the previously revealed Deadpool variant. The giant rear end does subtract somewhat from the coolness factor, yes, but(t) your friends and family will only see its front when you're holding it anyway.
Unfortunately for potential purveyors of posterior peripherals, Microsoft haven't actually announced any way to purchase these controllers - and possibly never will.
The only verifiable way you can currently get your hands on one of these heinies is by entering the "Xbox Cheeky Controller Sweepstakes", by retweeting one of the Xbox Twitter account's many, many patootie related posts with the assigned hashtag.
The demand is clearly there if Microsoft and Disney ever plan to release these commercially however, if the hundreds of comments begging Xbox to make them available for purchase on all of their tweets is anything to go by.
Given the desire for these dump-truck themed controllers (annoyed I couldn't write "DualShock" there for alliteration purposes), it wouldn't be surprising if they eventually announced a way to purchase them legitimately. Just don't hold your breath, folks.
Booty. Haunch. Keister. Gluteus maximus. Sorry, just wanted to make sure I got the maximum amount of use out of the bum synonyms tab before I closed it.