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Xbox Game Pass just got a hefty price cut, but you don't have long

Xbox Game Pass just got a hefty price cut, but you don't have long

Bag yourself a nice discount on Xbox Game Pass

If you own an Xbox, having Xbox Game Pass feels like a must.

As we’re all aware, it doesn’t just offer a generous catalogue of titles to choose from. It’s updated regularly with stellar new day one launches that might otherwise set us back £70 for one game alone.

Game Pass is by no means cheap so while, yes, with that in mind, it offers excellent value for money, it’s also not something I’m imagining anyone subscribes to with frivolity.

Monitoring our spending is important, after all.

For new subscribers, you can sample 14 days of Game Pass for just £1. After that, a month of Core membership will set you back £6.99, followed by PC membership at £7.99, and Ultimate at £12.99.

It’s not very often that Game Pass is discounted but it just so happens to be right now - and I’ve got the lowdown on how subscribers can bag themselves a three month subscription for less than $35 dollars. That’s a discount of around 23%.

Call of Duty: Black Ops 6 is set to land on Xbox Game Pass later this year as a day one launch. Take a look at the campaign trailer below, with a release set for 25 October.

As highlighted by CNET, this deal comes courtesy of online electronics retailer Woot which is, I should point out, a US based retailer.

A three-month Game Pass code will currently set you back $34.49 on their website, which is down from the usual RRP of $44.99. That’s not a bad saving at all.

There are only eight days left on this deal, or it will end when the number of codes available sells out so if you’re interested in nabbing this offer, I’d act sooner rather than later.

With Stalker 2, Call of Duty: Black Ops 6, Microsoft Flight Simulator 2024, Avowed, and Indiana Jones and the Great Circle all set to land on Game Pass on day one within the remainder of the year, it’s well worth seeking out a great subscription deal.

Featured Image Credit: Microsoft

Topics: Xbox Game Pass, Xbox, Xbox Series S, Xbox Series X, Microsoft