Fair to say, you get slightly more bang for your buck with Microsoft Rewards than you do PlayStation Stars.
Both rewards services offer points on purchases, although PlayStation users can only earn additional points - and meagre amounts at that - via completing bonus campaigns, many of which are reliant on extra spending.
Xbox users, on the other hand, can increase their points total via searches on Bing, partaking in quizzes, and completing weekly achievements to name just a few methods.
It would be great to see PlayStation implement a couple of similar ideas which I’m sure it will given that PlayStation Stars is still in its infancy.
That being said, it’s not all sunshine and rainbows over at Microsoft Rewards.
While, yes, some users are managing to sustain Game Pass memberships for free, others are feeling pretty ripped off.
ICYMI: Avowed launches on 18 February on PC and Xbox.
Reddit user Shadownight7797 took to Reddit to share their dismay at their service: “Wow, no way! I just spent $80 on a game and now I’m 5% of the way to getting $1.25! Thank you Microsoft!”
Of course, as I mentioned you can accrue points via methods outside of store spending, but that doesn’t exactly change the fact that the points earned via spending are rather low.
“This pisses people off more than makes them feel good. Why not just make the notification for $5 and just go from there? The f**k does $1.25 do for me. $5 barely does anything,” added The-Booty-Train.
“This program used to be worth it. It’s dogs**t now. I don’t even bother with the searches and whatnot,” commented ObiWanOkeechobee.
A slightly more neutral IsThisKismet wrote, “It is definitely not as good as it used to be, however when compared to literally any other rewards program I’ve used, it continues to lead them all.”
Even if that’s true though, it won’t stop Microsoft rewards users from feeling the sting of the service’s devolution.
Perhaps an overhaul is needed.
Topics: Xbox, Xbox One, Xbox Series S, Xbox Series X, Microsoft