There are plenty of ways to gain free credit when you’re using your Xbox, you just need to know where to look.
Thanks to us being extremely helpful people, we can show you a way to get those illustrious Xbox rewards we speak of. And it won’t cause you to break out in a cold sweat or force you to spend any money.
It sounds too good to be true, but we can assure you it isn't.
You don’t need to play a game – just make sure to use Bing to search for specific items and that free credit will be yours.
For example, you can earn rewards by simply searching Bing for new recipes. You can also earn those sweet, sweet points by searching Bing for items already on your shopping list.
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Basically, you need to have the drive to search and search some more.
If you’re unsure what kind of items on the shopping list will unlock the points, Reddit has your back with helpful suggestions.
Although “buy milk” is the most obvious choice, one gamer found a far more amusing way to get what they wanted, “For the shopping list one I just searched ‘shopping list’ and it worked,” they revealed.
“The recipe one works pretty well for me. For shopping, normal shopping stuff doesn’t wanna work for me, [so] I use ‘Xbox controller’ every time now to get it,” another person added.
As you can see, these free credit “quests” might involve some trial and error, but you’ll eventually get your rewards, and without putting in too much effort.
It’s far easier to get the rewards than the new hardware Xbox has revealed that’s divided fans, that's for sure.
We wish you luck in searching the depths of Bing, and repeatedly doing so until the rewards well runs dry.
Topics: Xbox, Xbox One, Xbox Series S, Xbox Series X, Microsoft