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Xbox fans furious as long-awaited release skips console

Xbox fans furious as long-awaited release skips console

Xbox fans furious as new collection skips console

Xbox fans are angry that a recently announced fighting game will be missing out Microsoft consoles completely.

The fighting game reveal actually happened on the most recent Nintendo Direct, but as with many games that usually appear on the Direct streams, they often are due to release for other platforms.

The characters of Street Fighter have often crossed with other franchises in the past

This is not the case with Capcom’s fighting collection, Marvel vs. Capcom Fighting Collection: Arcade Classics.

The collection will be headlined by fan favourite fighting games Marvel vs. Capcom which faced off characters from Street Fighter and other Capcom titles against the X-Men and Spider-Man.

These games were huge back in the day and often appeared in arcades across the world before jumping over to home consoles around the end of the SNES era.

However, while Nintendo and Sony fans can enjoy the new collection, Xbox fans will miss out and they’re understandably unhappy.

This anger is mostly caused by the fact that some players stick with one platform over others because they have bought extra hardware for fighting games, like fightsticks.

This is the issue for one Redditor who said, “I have a Switch, but I play all my fighting games on Xbox with my arcade stick. It's an absolute gut punch it's not coming to Xbox, especially considering Ace Attorney Investigations was announced for Xbox.”

Over on Twitter, the confusion continues with MightyKeef saying, “Xbox not getting the Marvel vs Capcom collection is a big L for Microsoft. This s**t about to sell like hotcakes. I wonder why they chose not to put it on that platform.”

It’s an odd choice from Capcom given that other Marvel vs. Capcom titles have been released directly to Xbox in the past, but many are speculating that this must be a small licensing issue holding it up.

Whether the decision is reversed after this community outcry is hard to say, but it would be a shame if Xbox players missed out on this hit of nostalgia.

Featured Image Credit: Xbox

Topics: Xbox, Xbox Series S, Xbox Series X, Xbox One, Microsoft, Capcom, Marvel