When it comes to iconic names in video games, there are not many as famous as Master Chief of the Halo series, which is why the arrival of the next big entry on Xbox is always huge news.
Halo: Combat Evolved launched for the original Xbox in 2001 and helped to shape how all FPS games were experienced from the moment on. For the first time, an FPS game felt natural and smooth on a console, something that was previously reserved for the keyboard and mouse on a PC.
Check out the Halo Infinite trailer below!
The Halo series would go from strength to strength from that moment on, though some would argue that Master Chief has lost his way somewhat ever since the developmental duties were handed over from Bungie to 343 Industries.
The most recent entry in the series is Halo Infinite, which arrived on PC, Xbox Series X/S and Xbox One in 2021. Halo Infinite might not have the best campaign in the series, receiving a mixed reception from fans, but it's fun when it gets going, in my opinion.
Nonetheless, regardless of what fans may think of Halo Infinite, its follow-up, whenever that may arrive, is still going to make waves and many fans will be hoping that it will be the return to form that is needed for the series.
Yet understandably, some fans are tired of the series not being as great as it once was during the Bungie golden years. “New Halo 7 lead promises to ‘Give the Covenant back their bomb’” posted Redditor Zakiysha but an image of Master Chief ‘dropping the bomb’ wasn't greeted with utter enthusiasm.
“Wake me up in three to four years,” asked joevsyou, suggesting when the next Halo entry might arrive. “We'll wake you when we need you,” replied HatingGeoffry.
“Honestly, they should consider a reboot starting at the end of Halo 3 or 4,” suggests 69millionyeartrip with byrnesf adding “Yes, it’s been such a mess since then.”
As a lifelong Halo fan, it does pain me that no matter how much I enjoyed the Halo Infinite campaign, the series hasn't been at its peak since Halo 3 or even Halo: Reach in 2010, which is why I'm on board with this suggestion from PremiumTempus. “I think they should go back and explore ideas like what they did with Halo: Reach. What a cool story,” they exclaimed.
The entire Halo series is available now for subscribers of Xbox Game Pass at no extra cost.
Topics: Halo, Halo Infinite, 343 Industries, Microsoft, Xbox, Xbox Game Pass, Xbox Series S, Xbox Series X