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The Elder Scrolls 6 just hit a major milestone you probably missed

The Elder Scrolls 6 just hit a major milestone you probably missed

We should be celebrating this

We’re all too busy sulking about how long we have to wait before we can play The Elder Scrolls VI, that we missed an important milestone.

It’s not the fandom’s fault, not really.

They’re frustrated by the intended release date for The Elder Scrolls VI; it feels like an entirety away.

We might be dead before it launches.

The genuine concern that they might die before the game comes out is arguably one of the reasons fans are so divided.

Check out The Elder Scrolls Online: Gold Road trailer

That and the first leaks of the game, of course.

While there's much discourse surrounding The Elder Scrolls’ next instalment, there’s cause for celebration despite how annoyed everyone is.

It turns out, The Elder Scrolls VI hit its one year of production milestone, and we didn’t notice.

In a video shared by a Redditor withb a rather interesting username, “Elder Scrolls VI has just reached a major milestone: 1 year of production!”

However, while an achievement, it’s a small one considering how long is left before its launch.

“There are probably four more years of production before it releases (in 2028),” the OP continued.

Interestingly, while fans are saddened that the game is still but a dot on the horizon we have to squint at to see, they’d rather that than the game be rushed.

As YouCantTakeThisName details, the main concern for most fans is further delays.

“17 years wait is tough, but I wouldn’t want them to rush anything,” commented Grand_Caregiver, “Better an amazing game we had to wait for then a poor game that was rushed.”

One minute they’re angry, the next they understand...!

While the launch of The Elder Scrolls VI has everyone in a tizzy, generally, players are willing to endure the wait as long as Bethesda doesn’t fumble and drop the ball.

Otherwise, all hell is going to break lose.

Featured Image Credit: Bethesda Softworks

Topics: The Elder Scrolls, The Elder Scrolls 6, Bethesda