The Division players believe the New York setting from the first game deserves more love.
While Ubisoft’s flagship franchise will seemingly always be Assassin’s Creed, the developer has branched to several other series over the years, with one such example being The Divison.
Check out The Division below
The story of the first game follows a virus pandemic that’s laid waste to the United States, killing civilians and forcing the construction of quarantine zones, one of which is the city of New York.
After relative success with fans and critics, Ubisoft followed it up with The Division 2, which moved the series over to Washington DC, and now, a third game has been confirmed, though it’s unclear when and where it’ll be set.
Wherever it is, fans are hoping it takes inspiration from the first Division game, and gives us a worthy successor to the post-apocalyptic New York.
In a Reddit post, user Shadow_Strike99 praised The Division’s depiction of a broken, deserted city, saying: “Always love going back to the Division 1, the atmosphere and setting were just so great. Hopefully we get something like that again with the 3rd game.”
Fans shared their admiration for the open game in the comments, with its tone and atmosphere being regarded as the best parts of the story, and adding greater depth to the world.
“I swear some of the audio/text logs in that game were utterly depressing, especially going back and playing through it during the height of Covid.”
“That Christmas setting with the snowstorms just really made it special, it's a shame the second one lost that charm”
“I loved D1. It's criminal that this franchise didn't take off like it should've. I know it was successful and garnered a successful sequel, but this could've been HUGE. “
The Division can still be played on Xbox, PlayStation and PC platforms, though the online multiplayer has significantly deteriorated since The Division 2 was released.
Topics: Ubisoft