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Steam free downloads included in Winter sale for you to claim right now

Steam free downloads included in Winter sale for you to claim right now

Grab yourself a freebie

It’s the most wonderful time of the year… if you’re a PC or Steam Deck gamer. The Steam winter sale is here and features some of the best discounts of the year.

While you’re browsing the many games on sale you can grab yourself some little freebies at the same time. These come in the form of trading cards and stickers which are obtained in a few ways and are perfect for all you trading card completionists out there.

Now's the time to grab some bargains for your Steam Deck

Claiming the trading cards is a simple affair; all you need to do is browse through your personalised ‘Discovery Queue’ each day and at the end, you’ll receive a card. This can be completed each day and 14 cards are available.

For chat stickers, which can be used when talking to friends via the Steam chat client, you can vote in the Steam awards or visit any sale category and click the banner to receive a sticker as a reward. With up to 11 stickers available you’ll spruce up any chat online.

There’s a handy Reddit thread with a sneaky way to cheat the Discovery Queue if you choose to do so, but it only takes a couple of minutes each day and you might discover some great games at the same time. Which is kind of the point of the feature anyway.

The Steam trading cards have always been a nice little extra. Something to strive for when playing games, unlocking them as you achieve certain tasks in-game. They often come around for sales and seasonal events, too. Even if you’re not interested in the cards, it’s well worth browsing Steam at the moment to grab yourself some bargains, especially if you receive a Steam Deck for Christmas. Some brilliant games have some hefty discounts and deserve some love and some playtime.

Featured Image Credit: Valve

Topics: Steam, PC, Free Games