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Steam: 9 free games available to download in huge August giveaway

Steam: 9 free games available to download in huge August giveaway

Get your hands on 9 free PC games right now

Looking for some free games to get your hands on, are you? As luck would have it, you've come to just the place.

There are so many free games floating around, if you know where to look. PlayStation Plus and Xbox Game Pass have plenty to offer, of course, but it's over on Steam where the real good stuff is. Whether you're after free trials to whet the whistle, or something more substantial, there's usually something to be had.

As of August, there are currently nine new free games available on Steam that you can check out right now. I should warn you these aren't AAA heavy hitters, but have a sift through and you might find something you like, yeah? Yeah.

Without further ado, let's blast through the nine free games you can grab on Steam right now!

  • Railroads And Catacombs: Prologue - A very cool looking roguelike dungeon crawler/deckbuilder. You can check out the first chunk of it for free now.
  • Dream Ploy Will - A fun-looking 1v1 strategy game that could be a good laugh with a mate.
  • Space Expedition - A cute pixel platformer in which you embark on a journey through space.
  • Farming Fever - I won't lie to you, this one looks like a pretty average free-to-play mobile game. Maybe stick with Stardew Valley.
  • Death Slayer - Another really cool retro-looking 2D platformer, this one heavily inspired by the likes of Metroid and Castlevania.
  • Sap: School Days - A sandbox sim with a really interesting aesthetic.
  • Boots Quest DX - A surreal top-down adventure game with a lovely art-style and weird sense of humour.
  • Run! Grandpa! Run! - Tear it up as a wheelchair bound senior citizen across a series of obstacle courses.
  • Yu Crossing Animals - Basically Animal Crossing for people who think Animal Crossing would be better if you could bang Tom Nook. No, seriously. Just be careful clicking this one as it's NSFW.

And there we have it! A fine selection of free games for you to get stuck into at your leisure. Or not. Up to you.

Featured Image Credit: Valve

Topics: Free Games, PC, Steam