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Steam adding 6 more free games you can download and keep forever

Steam adding 6 more free games you can download and keep forever

A new batch of free games? Let's goooooo

It’s time for another round of six free Steam games.

As announced via Free Steam Games on Twitter, these games became free from 26 May.

It’s a shame you’re only learning of them now, considering we’ve just had a long weekend. However, at least you’ve got multiple options next time you game.

The Steam titles up for grabs are as follows:

  • Chambers: The Outlaw – this open world action-packed Wild West experience is chaotic but fantastic fun.
  • 9SHOT – an FPS that’ll keep you on your toes as you fight your way through the zombie filled streets of Tokyo.
  • No Way Out – brush up on your survival skills in this horror game where you’ll need to escape from this terrifying hospital.
  • Planetoid Evasion – for those of you who enjoy shooters, but prefer them to have a sci-fi element, this game will scratch both those itches.
  • Crime Simulator – play with your friends as you find out if you’ve got what it takes to commit to a life of crime.
  • Betrayal Beach – a Jumanji-style co-op game that’ll test your mettle as you try to survive on a “strange island”.

Although many have liked the post, not many have commented – everybody is too busy checking out these PC titles without further delay, we suspect.

You should also check out Weyrdlets while you're at it.

However, the few players who’ve taken the time to celebrate the arrival of these new games have praised the selection detailed.

Twitter user @mohamed44863478 posted, “Sheesh that first game though.”

Others simply thanked Free Steam Games for alerting them to this joyous news. We all love freebies; we can’t help ourselves.

On the off chance you don’t like the titles on offer, there’s several open world downloads you can also pick up right now.

Now, go forth, dear gamers, and savour the delights of gaming without having to spend a single penny.

Featured Image Credit: Valve

Topics: Free Games, Steam, PC