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Steam $100 free store credit available right now, if you’re quick

Steam $100 free store credit available right now, if you’re quick

Steam users can currently enter to win $100 in Steam credit for a limited time.

Steam users can currently enter a free giveaway where one winner will walk away with $100 in credit to spend on the site.

Many of us begin the year with the best of intentions, vowing to cut down on our video gaming spends in order to finally tackle our backlog, but that’s oh so very hard to do when stellar games just keep on releasing. It feels wrong to address said backlog when you’re falling behind on the latest releases, but what about if you could nab those latest releases using some free credit? That’d surely take away some of the guilt of straying away from your original plan, right?

Palworld is the year’s biggest hit on Steam so far. Take a look at the game in action below.

This particular giveaway comes courtesy of indie developer ZeNfA Productions and giveaway centric Twitter account LonerVaultBoy. There are quite a few steps to follow if you want to get involved but they’re all relatively simple. First of all, follow @ZeNfAGames and @LonerVaultBoy on Twitter. Then, you need to wishlist and follow Rocket! over on Steam and post proof in the form of a screenshot.

Then, download the free Rocket! demo on Steam, and reply to the giveaway tweet “with a photo/screenshot of your Game Over score of 250,000 OR greater on Cadet Mode. Cadet Mode is unlocked by reaching Level 11 in Classic Mode.” Finally, retweet and like the giveaway post.

Phew, we got there. All five entry requirements must be met and the giveaway closes on 17 February so do get involved while you can. Rocket! is then due to launch on 19 February. If you’re curious to know what the game is like before diving into the demo, Rocket! is a bullet hell arcade shooter that tasks you with using your skills to survive an “onslaught of asteroids, enemies [and] black holes”. Your goal is simply to keep on bettering your score.

Featured Image Credit: Valve

Topics: Steam, PC

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