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Stardew Valley fans have until 3 June to grab this free Steam download

Stardew Valley fans have until 3 June to grab this free Steam download

Put your farming skills to the test in this free download

Fans of Stardew Valley and cozy games in general should not miss out on this open-world sandbox title released earlier this year.

Combining the farming elements of Stardew Valley and the inspiration of ancient Chinese heritage, Pathless Woods is an open-world survival journey developed by AniYa Games Studio and was released back in April.

Check out the ultimate farming sim Stardew Valley below!

In typical Stardew inspired fashion, players must “cultivate crops, gather resources, build your dream home” and even defend it from marauders all whilst teaming up with friends to uncover an adventure shrouded by serenity.

Unlike Stardew, Pathless Woods is greatly inspired by ancient China and players will be able to construct a variety of buildings inspired by Chinese architecture such as towering pagodas, magnificent bridges and traditional wooden houses.

When you are not designing your dream village, you will get the chance to team up with up to three friends and brave the wilderness where you will need to protect yourself from natural and human threats in order to utilise the land’s resources.

With cultists threatening both you and your resources, you will always have to be prepared for an attack but helpful NPCs will never hesitate to lend a hand and lead you towards unexpected discoveries.

Last but not least, your farming skills will need freshening up as Pathless Woods will have you tending your crops using traditional Chinese farming techniques. By controlling water irrigation, fertilisers and temperatures, you will soon find yourself the proud owner of some stunning Chinese style cuisine.

Pathless Woods now has a free demo available to try out on Steam so don’t miss out on diving into the action to get a taste of what the game has to offer. However, this offer is only available until 3 June so don’t wait around!

Featured Image Credit: AniYa Games Studio

Topics: Stardew Valley, Steam, PC, Free Games