Few, if any, of us have been crying out for an official Alex Jones game, yet we’ve received it all the same. Despite the conspiracy theorist’s foolish belief that such content was in high demand, such a game has been released, though it’s not having the impact Jones likely wanted.
The Steam game may have a string of “very positive” reviews, but, for the most part, that positivity comes from gamers being able to purchase the game and then quickly return it for an immediate refund.
Despite promising a lot of scope, Jones oversells his game, with the 2D shooter only lasting 30 minutes at most. People might still be criticising Starfield for being disappointing, but few players demanded a refund in just 30 minutes. Besides, at least Bethesda’s title offered something substantial beyond tired bits from Jones’ eccentrically dangerous repertoire of worrying claims.
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Among the comedy reviews, some have taken it upon themselves to review the title seriously, referring to the Alex Jones: NWO Wars as a “garbage ass game” created “for dumb stupid people”. Maybe such words will inspire you to purchase the game, but at £14.92 (that’s the discounted price, by the way), it’s not worth it, not even when you know you can get a refund.
Besides, there are plenty of other games available on Valve’s site that deliver a more satisfying experience – like the Fallout meets Far Cry Primal title soon to be released this year. Not to mention the diverse range of free games you can play at your leisure without fuelling the over-inflated ego of a man like Jones.
If you really really want “hilarious fun for 15 minutes” before it’s finished, then sure, go get your fill. But when players say it’s “not worth more than a dollar at best”, it hardly makes us eager to play it.