A Starfield YouTuber has shared a surprisingly easy trick to rake in as many credits as you could possibly need for your travels.
Starfield is absolutely massive, and you're going to spend a long time hopping from planet to planet, harvesting resources, taking in the sights and hoarding everything you find like a weird space goblin.
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While this kind of gameplay won’t be entirely new to Bethesda players, a key difference is how vast Starfield’s in-game economy is compared to other games like Fallout 4 and The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim.
Credits are King in Starfield’s galaxy, and you’ll need a lot of them if you want to buy weapons, armour, upgrades, resources, starship components, and more. You’ll also need a hefty bit of cash if you plan on bribing your way out of situations, as well as hiring new crew members for your ship, as well as funding further upgrades and repairs for your equipment.
If you want to generate a decent income, there are a few ways to do so, including completing jobs for people, selling valuables, or good old-fashioned thievery. If all that sounds like hard work though, you can always try an infinite money glitch instead.
YouTuber vNivara has posted a video online detailing the steps required to earn as much money as you’d ever need, and it’s pretty simple.
The video shows the player finding Jemison in the city of New Atlantis. They then manage to exit the boundaries of the map using their trusty Boost Pack, and navigate through parts of the city that Bethesda likely didn’t want you to get to. After a few minutes of parkour and perseverance, the player eventually ends up under the map, and can access several chests that are hidden underneath the game’s vendors.
You can then claim all the goodies with no repercussions, including cold-hard credits and expensive items, then reset the vendor’s inventories by passing the time for 48 hours.
How someone found his glitch is another question entirely but if you’re looking for a quick and easy way to line your pockets, this is it.