Starfield has been nominated for award to celebrate its “innovative” gameplay, a surprise to be sure but a welcome one.
It’s been a tough year for Starfield. What should have been the game’s celebrated debut quickly fell apart when fans came to the conclusion that it’s just Fallout but in space.
Take a look at Starfield below!
Many assumed it’d be like No Man’s Sky but with that classic Bethesda charm sprinkled in, with plenty of quests, planets you can turn into sprawling bases and exhilarating space combat. It was envisioned to be one of the greatest and most immersive sci-fi RPGs ever made, which was unfortunately just too good to be true.
Now that isn’t to say it’s a bad game, it’s a great game, so great that it made its way onto our Game Of The Year list, it just wasn’t quite what everyone was expected.
While it didn’t win anything during this year’s Game Awards, only being nominated for one category, it has a chance to redeem itself via the upcoming Steam awards. Bethesda’s RPG has been nominated for the Innovative Gameplay award. This is a bit of a surprise given how most complaints with the game revolve around it not pushing any boundaries outside of building your own starship.
That being said there is something Starfield does exceptionally well, starting a new game. Most RPGs have some form of New Game+ and Starfield is no exception. However what Starfeld does differently is treats each new game like a separate universe, where characters could behave differently, unexpected events happen or even being recruited to Constellation by your own alternate self.
Whether that meets the criteria to receive the Innovative Gameplay award is another question, but it’s at least earns it some consideration.
It might be one of the only awards Starfield makes off with this year, an unfortunate reality but not unavoidable, especially amidst harsh competition from the likes of Baldur’s Gate 3 and other fantastic RPGs that released this year.