Starfield fans on Steam have declared the game is a 7/10 at best, with user reviews lower than Skyrim and Fallout 4.
Over six million players have ventured into Starfield’s galaxy so far, across both Xbox Series X/S and PC systems. While the critics have showered the game with positive reviews, it’s the fans who’ve been less easy to please, many of whom feel Bethesda’s latest IP hasn’t lived up to the hype.
Check out our review of Starfield below
The main complaints so far are tied to the game’s open-world exploration. Space travel is being regarded as a disappointment by many because you can’t travel from planet to planet seamlessly. Instead, you need to fast travel to wherever you’re trying to go, which means you’ll be waiting in loading screens constantly, another major gripe players have with the title.
Once you actually get down onto a planet, there’s not much to see or do aside from collect materials, and every planet has a boundary limit, which once again disappointed fans who were expecting something akin to No Man’s Sky.
Now, after less than two weeks with the game, Starfield fans are confident that the game is a 7/10 at best, as reflected through the latest Steam reviews.
At the time of writing, Starfield’s Steam page includes a “mostly positive” rating, with 38,758 user reviews. Only 77% have recommended the game, a stark contrast to Fallout 4 and The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim, which both sit at 83% and 94% respectively.
Metacritic is even worse, which is currently being bombarded with review bombs stating the game is nothing like what Bethesda’s marketing had us believing, and dramatically pulled its user score down to 5/10 on certain platforms.
While many are enjoying the game and praising the story, starship customisation and essentially being a Fallout game in space, Starfield can’t seem to shake the negativity. There is the possibility that its problems will be ironed out over time through post-launch updates, and a bit of elbow-grease from modders, but so far it seems Starfield has failed to impress a core part of the Bethesda fanbase.
Starfield can currently be played on Xbox Series X/S and PC.