If you’re someone who's played Skyrim several times over, you might end up being as annoyed as these other fans are over an easily missed new quest.
Not only can you miss the quest entirely, but you’ll also lose the valuable loot it unlocks.
As you can imagine, finding out about this detail years down the line is hardly pleasant for the fans who thought they’d seen and done it all.
Discovering a hidden tunnel 13 years after launch was bad enough, but this is far worse.
In the year of our lord 2024, a Skyrim player unearthed a new quest in which they had to take out an assassin at Dragonsreach.
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That’s hardly distressing, though it’s a little annoying for those who’ve never played through the mission before.
However, it becomes more vexing when you learn that completing the quest bestows upon you the Bow of Shadows.
Described as a “beast”, this is a hefty weapon to unlock early in-game.
User swannyhypno shared their find with Reddit, asking whether this content was new.
In a manner of speaking, yes it is.
This, among other things, was included as part of the The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Anniversary Upgrade.
Unfortunately, those who have no intention of playing the anniversary upgrade won’t find the bow, which is a shame considering how powerful it is.
“Awesome bow that I’m still using at level 38,” revealed Spiritual-Fold-9060, “It’s been upgraded at this point and gotten me outta a few pickles.”
Another fan of the Bow of Shadows added, “Currently level 83 and still use this bow when I got it at lvl 15.”
Clearly, this is a weapon you want in your inventory.
Still, while it’s an invaluable item, many believe the quest it comes from, as well as the weapon itself, make Bethesda’s game too easy.
This is where they take issue: at the “impatience” of those who decided to create an upgrade that immediately gives you all the strong items instead of expecting you to grind to level up.
Personally, we’d push through.
For the completionists out there, you’ll definitely want to play this mission before you claim you’ve finished Skyrim 100 percent.
Topics: Skyrim, Bethesda, The Elder Scrolls