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Red Dead Redemption 2 fans surprised with new content we've never seen before

Red Dead Redemption 2 fans surprised with new content we've never seen before

Worth a look

Rockstar Games has shown off never-before-seen merchandise for classic Grand Theft Auto titles, as well as Red Dead Redemption 2.

Despite having ownership of some of the biggest IPs on the planet, Rockstar Games produces a surprising lack of merchandise for its games.

Maybe GTA VI will be a bit different, the trailer for which you can see below

However as part of a collaboration with Game On (thanks, VGC), an exhibition in the Museum of Scotland celebrating video games in all of their forms, Rockstar has loaned a variety of items from Red Dead Redemption 2 and Grand Theft Auto.

Game On is a museum exhibition you can visit in Edinburgh, Scotland from 29 June to 3 November this year, and features an entire section dedicated to Rockstar Games. For those unaware, Rockstar Games was founded in Scotland and still has offices there.

Images from the exhibit reveal several Red Dead Redemption items, including a deck of playing cards, one of the in-game catalogues and a depiction of Saint-Denis, a key area in the game.

Also featured alongside the Red Dead Redemption stuff is loads of Grand Theft Auto memorabilia, including a statue of Claude from GTA III, as well as a baseball bat from the same game and a skateboard from GTA: San Andreas. There’s even a Statue Of Happiness and the “Key To The City,” the 100% completion achievement from GTA IV.

There’s a lot of other cool stuff on display too, so if you’re visiting Scotland from now until November it’s probably worth dropping in and seeing them for yourself.

While GTA VI is the next game on Rockstar’s release schedule, it’ll almost certainly be followed by another Red Dead Redemption game.

Rockstar continues to innovate and contribute to the gaming scene with every new release, and it’s almost hard to believe that one day there could be an exhibit stocked with GTA VI and Red Dead Redemption 3 memorabilia…

Featured Image Credit: Rockstar Games

Topics: Red Dead Redemption, Red Dead Redemption 2, Grand Theft Auto, GTA, Rockstar Games