Halloween has been and gone, but the spooky goings on continue. Unfortunately, those too are on a tight deadline.
Bumps in the night aren’t just going to disappear because All Hallows' Eve has finished for another year.
Before we have to admit that Christmas is a mere couple of months away, there’s a free Red Dead Redemption 2 download you need to check out.
Red Dead Online has been embracing the Halloween spirit, with its final offering of tricks and treats the crowning jewel of that experience.
Since 29 October, users have been able to play for the Concho Pants.
Enjoy the successes and failures of the Red Dead Redemption 2 fandom below
We appreciate that it may not sound all that thrilling, but if you’ve been working towards the complete outfit, not having the pants is kind of a big deal.
To make sure your bottom half is covered, you’ll need to reach level five in the All Hallows’ Call to Arms.
Here’s the thing though, you only have 48 hours left to try and achieve that goal.
Surely an outlaw as skilled as yourself will be able to get it done before time runs out...?
If you don’t manage to claim this freebie, more Red Dead Online downloads will undoubtedly become available before the year is out.
Rockstar Games is nothing if not generous with downloads in this game. Now, if it could be as generous with GTA VI’s second trailer, that would fabulous.
If you don’t intend to try to unlock this download, you can still explore RDR2 to discover hidden secrets from the starting area.
The discoveries don’t end there either.
Players have also found a hidden cave after sinking over 7,000 hours into the game. This experience is still finding ways to surprise us after all this time.
We hope you find what you’re looking for when you next play RDR2.
Just remember, if you want the free download we mentioned earlier, you have two days left to claim it.
Topics: Red Dead Redemption, Red Dead Redemption 2, Rockstar Games, Take-Two, PlayStation, Xbox, PC