Halloween is coming fast, folks, and while there’s plenty of you who are horror lovers every day of the year (like me), that doesn’t mean you should shy away from sinking your fangs into some truly gory horror. Thankfully, PlayStation Plus has one of the bloodiest, goriest horrors ever created available for all subscribers – hurray for carnage!
Yes, PS Plus’ October selection is already shaping up to be one filled with frights, thrills, and mayhem, with Dead Island arguably one of the most violent games on offer. Originally banned in Germany for being too violent, this is a game that offers a lot of action-packed, first-person, stay-alive-at-all-costs survival tropes that will have you hungry for more. Better still, PS Plus has the Dead Island Definitive Edition, which includes all DLC for maximum gore.
Keep the horror train going with the Dead Island 2 trailer!
If, however, you’d rather get your spooks with a little less blood than what Dead Island offers, there’s also The Dark Pictures Anthology: House of Ashes, as well as Alien Isolation, which many players would argue is one of the best sci-fi horror titles we’ve had in years. And I say that with no disservice to the likes of the Dead Space remake, which was everything I’d hoped for and more – I screamed, I jumped, I cried. As it should be.
Should none of these PlayStation Plus games tickle your Halloween fancy (what’s wrong with you?), there’s plenty of other free horror games currently on PlayStation that will surely satisfy even the most diverse of horror critics’ palettes. Do they rival the butchery of Dead Island? I’d say the Evil Within franchise is just as visceral, if not more so, but the stories from those horrific games are more twisted, unhinged, and a little too out there for some players, so if you’ve not tried them out yet, I’d suggest proceeding with caution. Though, in the spirit of Halloween, you should endure just as many tricks as you do treats.
These free horror games, and plenty of other genres, will be available from 17 Oct at 10 am. Go, my bloody pretties and explore the depths of horror to your black heart’s content! Oh, and if you’re an Xbox player who’s feeling left out, don’t worry, there’s 10 free games which will give you the cold, chilling feels that only horror can bestow you.
Topics: Dead Island 2, PlayStation, Playstation Plus, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Sony