PlayStation fans are disappointed by the line-up for December as several fantastic games are leaving the service.
It’s just the way things are for PlayStation Plus unfortunately, you get a few bangers like Dying Light 2: Stay Human, Like a Dragon: Ishin and of course GTA V, but lose out on other games in the process.
Dying Light 2: Stay Human is well-worth playing while it’s on PS Plus by the way, check it out below
Several games were added to your membership earlier today and you can start playing them right now, but to spoil the fun is confirmation that 13 other games will be shuffled off next month in response.
They’re not all bangers to be fair, I don’t think anyone is going to miss Mega Man 11 or Dead Island: Riptide very much, but some of the games leaving are ones you really need to try before they’re gone.
Leaving the service are Judgement, Stranger of Paradise, Final Fantasy Origin, Dead Island, Moonscars, Grime, Tinykin, Evil Genius 2 World Domination, Gigabash, Prodeus, Mega Man Legacy Collection and Mega Man Legacy Collection 2.
As a fan of retro games I’m sad to see the Mega Man Legacy Collections on their way out, but I typically play those on Nintendo Switch anyway.
We still don’t know what Essential titles will be offered in December, but we’ll find out later this month, as well as what games will be added to the Extra game line-up too.
Fans are now in a mad dash to play some of these titles, like one who said they “need to finish Judgement this month.”
“Ah shoot, I just downloaded the FF Origins game and thought I'd give it a whack at some point. Guess I'll have to play it sooner” added another.
You still have time to try these games before they’re gone, but don’t delay as they’ll be removed before you know it.
Topics: PlayStation, Playstation Plus