A hidden feature that many PlayStation gamers doubt is even real has left the fandom perplexed.
You'll have to cast your minds back two years for this curious caper, back when dataminers unearthed the elusive level five of PlayStation Stars.
We refer to it as “elusive” because no one has actually managed to unlock this level.
It’s gotten so bad that some even doubt if it’s real.
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For files to be found in a datamine, though, it obviously had to exist at one time or another.
However, that doesn’t really help us better understand whether it exists in a capacity the average PlayStation user can interact with.
Not only does this hidden feature leave fans bewildered, but so too does the enigmatic collectible you’re meant to unlock by reaching this fifth tier.
‘Level 5 Diorama – Bots Don’t Breathe’ has only been viewed via leaks, but despite this, it tempts us all the same.
Like Moby and his white whale, we can’t stop hunting for it.
Speculation regarding how to reach this tier has led many to believe that this hidden feature may be available by invitation only.
While plausible, its undisclosed criteria makes it nigh on impossible for users looking to level up to actually do just that.
Another theory that’s popular with those who’ve whipped out their cork boards to solve this one, is that Sony simply did away with level five.
The last dregs of its existence remain, but they’re ghosts in a machine rather than an achievement you can unlock.
In short, it’s a confusing but incredibly intriguing saga.
We may never know the truth of level five.
Still, there’s nothing like a secret feature to keep users coming back for more in a bid to be the first level five member.
Topics: PlayStation, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Playstation Plus