It seems a recent PlayStation 5 system update is breaking games. According to fans, the update has been ‘screwing up’ several titles with graphical bugs and glitches.
At first it was thought to just affect Final Fantasy XVI, as the subreddit was seeing a lot of players report issues, so much so that the official Final Fantasy XVI Twitter issued a statement.
Sony unveiled the latest member of the PlayStation family recently with the PlayStation 5 Pro
Since then, several other games have been flagged as having problems since this update was installed.
The tweet breaks down what’s happening with a lot of games right now, “Following the recent release of the PlayStation 5 system update, there have been reports of the game crashing and graphical issues.”
The issue has now made it to the PS5 subreddit where several players are reporting the same thing in other games.
One user reports, “Someone else mentioned dragon age inquisition was also affected.”
While Maui_IDW mentions “Yep Wukong is the same. Bosses are turning into strings all over the place.”
Sony will likely already be working on a fix for this, especially if it’s as widespread as many are making out.
It goes on. General-Royal says, “I noticed some visual glitches while playing the Last of Us and was just thinking, how i never noticed that before.”
Microsith jumped in to call out another game, “This might explain why No Man’s Sky has been messing up in the expedition to the point that I just kill the game before my eyes explode out of my head.”
Whatever is causing this, it’s a pretty big issue, and it’s bonkers to think that a system update can cause so much chaos.
There is, of course, always one joker who has to step up with something like this, “It's almost like they released a glitch in the update so you can buy the PS5 pro.”
Sony are yet to comment on the issue, but we’ll likely see a fix very soon.
Topics: PlayStation, PlayStation 5, Sony