Take good care of your PlayStation 5, otherwise it might end up with this nasty surprise lurking inside.
Despite them costing us an arm and a leg I don’t think any of us are very good at maintaining consoles like the PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X/S.
Check out the adorable trailer for Astro Bot below, releasing later this year!
However as the below Reddit thread will show, it’s more important than ever to look after your consoles otherwise you’ll be paying a hefty fee to have them repaired or replaced.
Reddit user BigCoreyD shared that their son’s PlayStation 5 was overheating quite frequently, and broaching the idea of a repair through Sony would have cost hundreds of dollars.
Deciding to open the console up for themselves they found an enormous clump of hair and dust that had found its way into the air vents, a problem I’m sure many are familiar with.
Overheating consoles are dangerous business, as without the proper ventilation several interior components can be damaged, sometimes beyond repair.
Luckily the comments understood the assignment, with one saying “This is what everyone needs to clean. The psu gets clogged a lot of people think the metal fins are the psu.”
Another added: “Perfect post to remind people of cleaning their devices and their homes. Dust gets in everything and this may be necessary depending on your environment.”
If your console is still within warranty you can usually have it repaired or replaced by the company, but if it’s out of warranty your best bet is following an online guide to opening it up and cleaning it itself.
For more short term fixes, just keep it in a place that has good airflow if you can, and maybe wipe or vacuum the top of it every now and then just to make sure too much dust doesn’t fall in.
Topics: PlayStation, PlayStation 5, Sony