How often are you able to download a game for free without having to jump through hoops, carefully weave through lasers, and otherwise sell your soul? It’s tough trying to play exclusives without a cost attached.
But sometimes, on those rare, blessed occasions, an exclusive comes your way that has absolutely no strings attached – you just download and play. Beautiful. The most recent and exhilarating free exclusive to fall into our laps like a gift from the gaming gods is PlayStation 5’s Silent Hill: The Short Message.
Those of you who stayed up past your bedtimes to watch PlayStation’s State of Play, were undoubtedly hoping for an update on Silent Hill 2. Thankfully, we got it, though no definitive launch date was given. However, what was even more exciting was the P.T. atmospherics of another Silent Hill outing nobody anticipated.
Are you brave enough to uncover the story in Silent Hill: The Short Message?
Silent Hill: The Short Message is waiting for gamers on the PS store right now. No catch. Besides the nightmarish creations you’ll face, but honestly, you all know what you’re getting in for – it’s a Silent Hill title, after all.
Despite shadow dropping during State of Play to the amazement of fans, the game has already amassed several reviews, with the vast majority impressed by the experience. Boasting a 4.49 score on the PS store, the unease of Silent Hill seems to collide with the teenage angst of Life is Strange, making for a gripping coming of age tale nobody wants to experience except through Anita’s eyes.
What started as an “experimental project” soon grew into yet another layer of lore in this beloved Konami franchise. Despite knowing this though, the devs always envisioned The Short Message being a free game due to its experimental beginnings.
Ideal for returning fans and new Silent Hill players alike, Silent Hill: The Short Message gives a contemporary and relatable story that will have dread gnawing at you as you try to escape from The Villa.
Topics: Konami, PT, PlayStation, PlayStation 5, Silent Hill, Silent Hills, Sony, Free Games