Everyone on PlayStation is getting a free weekend of PlayStation Plus! Incredible news, right?
Well apparently, no, because somehow Sony has managed to upset everyone who owns a PlayStation in the process.
As revealed over on The Verge, PlayStation Plus is free for everyone from February 13 to February 15. Happy Valentine's Day, I guess.
Now to clarify, all you’re getting for free is the ability to play games online. You won’t be able to go into the PlayStation Store and claim the week's PlayStation Essential games using this free weekend.
That’s not the part that’s upset people though. The real reason gamers are ticked off is because… PlayStation Plus exists.
Yeah, you read that right. Over on the r/PlayStationPlus subreddit, everyone is just mad that this is something that Sony can even give away for free in the first place.
“Paying a subscription to play online games on console is Such a f**king scam,” commented user Ricky-Chan-.
“This is so sad man, us PSN users have to celebrate a free weekend of online gaming when it should be free in the first place,” replied user underratedpcperson.
As someone who lived through a time when it was actually free to play console video games online, I gotta say I big agree with all the rage. Honestly I’m mostly just surprised everyone has decided to randomly unionise against it all of a sudden.
Funnily enough though, everyone in the thread is blaming Microsoft for Sony’s decision to charge people for the pleasure of playing their games online.
That is technically true, as Microsoft were the first to introduce this kind of subscription model with Xbox Live back on the Xbox 360, I just think it’s funny that everyone in a PlayStation subreddit is getting mad at Microsoft.
Oh well, here’s hoping the single folks on Valentine's Day at least get to enjoy the next 24 hours of online companionship.
Topics: Playstation Plus, PlayStation, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Sony