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Days Gone 2 will never happen, developer confirms

Days Gone 2 will never happen, developer confirms

Have the days gone for this sequel?

When Days Gone was first released for the PlayStation 4, it wasn't perhaps as well received as Sony and its developer Bend Studio would have liked but it still went on to be somewhat of a cult classic for its legion of loyal fans.

From a technical standpoint, Days Gone was an amazing game. Somehow the developers at Bend Studio worked absolute wizardry by achieving hundreds of zombies (known as freakers in the game) on the screen at any one time on PlayStation 4, a console that was towards the end of its life cycle.

Check out the Days Gone trailer below!

However, those hundreds of zombies on the screen meant that the PlayStation 4 struggled quite a bit with a stuttering framerate, which perhaps didn't do some of its launch bugs any favours. The story of Days Gone was also very long-winded, which comes from a person who appreciates a drawn-out story.

Thankfully, however, Days Gone would become the game its developers had envisioned courtesy of the free new-gen update in 2020 on PlayStation 5 targeting 60 frames per second at a 4K resolution. We were then treated to a PC port the following year.

Still, despite its eventual improvements, Days Gone was by no means a perfect game but at the very least, the foundation has been set for a potential sequel. Sadly, the sequel may never come according to its director, Jeff Ross who name-dropped Sony CEO Herman Hulst of never being a fan of Days Gone.

Responding to fans on Twitter, Ross said: “A lot of people still ask me if there will ever be a Days Gone sequel, so I submit this poster as evidence it will never happen. Sony higher-ups like Hermen were never fans, so you won't hear about it at the PlayStation State of Play today or ever.”

The poster featured in Ross’ tweet was stacked full of PlayStation characters of past and present including the likes of Kratos from God of War, Aloy from Horizon, Nathan Drake of Uncharted as well as Ellie and Joel from The Last of Us. This poster is by no means confirmation that Days Gone 2 will never happen but it at the very least suggests that Days Gone as a brand isn't even in the thoughts of Sony.

We can never say never in the video game industry but just to be safe, if you had any hopes that we’ll be getting Days Gone 2 anytime soon, I wouldn't hold your breath.

Days Gone is out now on PC and current-gen PlayStation consoles.

Featured Image Credit: Sony Interactive Entertainment

Topics: Days Gone, Sony, PlayStation, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5