If you haven’t played Cyberpunk 2077 yet, what on Earth are you doing? The game is great now there’s no excuse anymore.
Honestly I get it, it was a massive let-down when it first came out and even though it’s been fixed it’s unfortunately never going to shake that mark, but seriously it’s worth playing nowadays.
Even more so with the DLC expansion Phantom Liberty
For those who do want to give it a go but are still on the fence about buying it outright there is a solution if you’re subscribed to PlayStation Plus.
This is specifically for PlayStation Plus Premium subscribers as Cyberpunk 2077 can currently be played for free via an exclusive trial.
On PlayStation 4 and PlayStation 5 you can try them for free for a total of five hours, quite generous to be honest.
Of course some of that time will include making your character and playing some of the opening missions, but you’ll get a good feel for the game at least.
If you liked what you played as well you’ll be glad to hear that the game regularly goes on sale for a decent price.
Personally I’d recommend not buying the version of the game that comes with the DLC, I’d suggest just buying the base game to start with just in case you decide partway through that it’s not for you.
It took me quite a few tries to finally finish Cyberpunk 2077 which spurred me on to try the DLC, if I had both straight from the word go I don’t think I’d have had the determination to beat it.
If you’re really unsure if you’d like the game though and just so happen to have a subscription to PlayStation Plus Premium give the game a go through the trial and see what you think, it’s worth it though I promise.
Topics: CD Projekt Red, Cyberpunk 2077, PlayStation, PlayStation 5, Playstation Plus