Let’s face it, The Elder Scrolls VI is taking its sweet time to arrive.
It’s hardly news, yet admitting it still feels difficult when we’re all so desperate to play the long awaited sequel to Skyrim.
We’re craving adventure that only a new Elder Scrolls game can provide... Or so we thought.
Having discovered this remake, we’re quite happy to forget The Elder Scrolls VI for the time being to return to the province of Morrowind.
The Skywind gameplay demo looks beautiful; we could cry
You can play The Elder Scrolls III via Steam, but it may be a hard slog after wandering through far more picturesque games. After all, this Bethesda title is 22 years old.
To avoid being disappointed, our memories of this beloved experience tainted, you can play Skywind instead.
“Skywind sheds the shackles of the older game, bringing modern graphics, assets, and sounds, a full cast of voice actors [...] while preserving the incredible characters, locations, and quests with which Morrowind charmed the world all those years ago.”
It almost sounds too good to be true, yet the satisfied gamers thus far speak for themselves.
“As one of the developers who worked at Bethesda for many years (I made the Dragons for Skyrim, Deathclaws for Fallout etc), I am SO PLEASED to see this,” said a former Bethesda employee.
“Morrowind was the game that first made me want to get a job at Bethesda. Totally weird, totally fascinating, totally different. What a masterpiece!”
Another fan posted, “They've absolutely nailed the ambience of the game. The ash storm at the beginning is so immersive.”
This was followed up by another comment that reads, “The mod looks so gorgeous. Seriously, the armours, the sound effects, the cities... I want to play this so bad.”
With remakes as promising as this one, who needs a new Elder Scrolls game!
Topics: The Elder Scrolls, The Elder Scrolls 6, Bethesda, PC