Despite our longing for The Elder Scrolls VI to launch right this second, it’s going to be many more years before we’re graced with its presence. Especially if Bethesda keeps stringing us along.
Therefore, we need other ways to keep the magic of the franchise alive, and what better way to achieve that than through the endless expansions that Skyrim offers.
Skyrim, without a shadow of a doubt, is one of the greatest games Bethesda has ever created. Consequently, there’s no end of mods for its fandom to install and play while waiting for the next game and/or Starfield to get good.
If you haven't seen Skyrim: Undeath already, now is the time to embark on that spooky journey
One way players are keeping this 12 year old game alive and kicking is through the Elden Ring atmosphere of Skyrim: Undeath Remastered. As the name suggests, the undead are going to feature heavily in this story, so for any players of a nervous disposition, caution is wise.
Although you’ve got plenty to be getting on with in Skyrim already, there’s now a “powerful necromancer” hungry for forbidden knowledge. A knowledge you yourself can learn, if you choose to side with them rather than remove the impending threat.
Needless to say, many have chosen evil intentions over saving the day, as one excited player emphasised by saying, “This mod is the last piece in the puzzle, the final key to my necromancer character. With this power, the realms of men shall fall! (Seriously, I'm going to get a mod to disable essential NPSc, raise an army of undead, and destroy the world).”
Others are less hellbent on destruction and merely impressed by the quality of the mod, “Very good voice actor. This could easily pass as [an] official DLC trailer,” posted a fan. Another also commented on the voice acting, saying “Voice actor is actually pretty good, he should look into voicing video games tbh.”
There’s so much to like about this expansion before even getting to the skeletal remains of the undead you’ll be controlling. If you want to discover everything that Undeath has in store for its players, head to NexusMods to start your journey.
Topics: Skyrim, Elden Ring, Bethesda, Starfield, The Elder Scrolls, PC, Mods