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Skyrim free expansion adds a ton of new spells

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Skyrim free expansion adds a ton of new spells

Lots of new potential here

Skyrim magic users can rejoice, as there now exists a new expansion that broadens the game’s roster of spells to use.

The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim is an evergreen game. Despite being nearly 14 years old, players and modders are still finding reasons to come back to it.

You only need to look at the game’s NexusMods page to see how much love the game has received over the years. New quests, companions, and even regions can be downloaded for free to play in-game.

Take a look at what Skyrim looks like with a graphics overhaul.

Basically, if there’s an aspect of Skyrim which you think could be improved or expanded upon, a modder has probably already done that.

That’s where 'Immersive Illusion Spells' comes in. It’s a new mod for Skyrim Special Edition by JaySerpa, who has created loads of Skyrim mods in the past.

“Illusion always felt very lacklustre and not all that exciting when compared to other schools of magic,” writes JaySerpa in the mod description. “To make up for this, this mod now adds a bunch of new spells that are actually fun to use, making illusionist playthroughs interesting and more different than ever before."

“The idea is to make illusion let you harness the power of mind manipulation, for beneficial or detrimental effects. Play with their mind, read their thoughts, trick your enemies!”

There are 16 new Illusion spells available with the mod to enhance the gameplay for any characters specialising in that type of magic.

Some noteworthy spells include Masquerade, which allows you to disguise yourself as another NPC, and Distraction, which distracts NPCs for a certain amount of time. Both spells sound pretty useful for stealth mage characters.

But the best spell in the mod has to be Mind Control. If you’re strong enough, you can take control of an enemy’s movements, making them attack their friends or jump off a cliff. It’ll open up many new possibilities in combat.

For Dishonored fans too, JaySerpa has also added an Alteration spell inspired by Blink, which should make traversal much more interesting to play around with.

Featured Image Credit: Bethesda Game Studios / JaySerpa via NexusMods

Topics: Mods, PC, Skyrim, Bethesda, The Elder Scrolls