It was 2003. The Simpsons Hit and Run had just launched, and suddenly the world made sense again.
Since then, few titles – if any – have come close to delivering the same levels of joy that that Simpsons game did.
It isn’t just us that wants a remake, the developers do too; they want it as badly as we do. Unfortunately, it doesn't look like a hope that'll become reality any time soon.
Speaking of classics, do yourself a favour and watch the Bully trailer
Although we can’t play an official remake (although there are fan-made remakes that are a thing of beauty), there is a way to play the game that delivers an open world experience. Oh, and it’s free.
The ‘Fully Connected Map’ might sound underwhelming, but it’s anything but; connecting all the different areas of the map together seamlessly. Here’s a list of the revamped map’s features:
- All three maps are fully combined, with functional animations, gags, and interactive triggers
- New custom areas connecting each map together (mostly) seamlessly
- A new daytime version of Level 3 (with other levels coming later)
This mod also has some “planned features” lined up, to further expand on the interconnectivity of the map.
“This mod looks incredible,” posted on gamer. Another remarked on how “cool” this map overhaul is.
It’s still early days for this NexusMods download, though. And even if it offers all the features it intends to, there’s no denying that fans would take a remake over a mod any day of the week.
The remake petition for The Simpsons Hit and Run is still chugging away, though not as much as we’d like.
Despite no sign of a remake on the horizon, it’s wonderful to see this classic 00s game still getting the attention it rightly deserves.
Be sure to check out the ‘Fully Connected Map’ on NexusMods to overhaul your experience of this brilliant game.
Topics: Mods, PlayStation, Xbox, Microsoft