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Mass Effect 2 has a wildly brutal alternate ending you can check out now

Mass Effect 2 has a wildly brutal alternate ending you can check out now

Want to made Suicide Mission a tad more intense?

Mass Effect 2 is widely considered to be the best instalment in the trilogy.

I’ll admit, I think I like Mass Effect 3 just as much as the second game. There was something quite satisfying about seeing my war assets increase as I’d complete additional missions.

That being said, Mass Effect 2 probably does boast the best story, culminating in the now legendary mission that is Suicide Mission.

The mission essentially sees players, as Commander Shepard, journey over to Collector territory in order to launch a counterattack against them.

It’s an incredibly deadly mission that, depending on your choices, can see you lose a number of teammates.

I’m pretty sure that on my first playthrough I lost Thane, Jack and Legion. Oops.

In theory, you can get pretty much everyone killed so I highly recommend you try and tick off as many loyalty missions as possible.

What if I told you that you could make this already incredibly tense mission even more sweat-inducing?

The next Mass Effect instalment is in the works. Take a look at the game’s teaser trailer below.

NexusMods user 55tumbl has created the ‘Risky Suicide Mission (LE2)’ mod for those of you who are looking to raise the stakes even further.

How, I hear you trepidatiously ask?

All squadmates now have the opportunity to both succeed and fail at any given task. Bye bye plot armour.

This is down to the fact that each squadmate has now been assigned a readiness score and it’s this score - based on their loyalty and participation in key missions - that’ll determine if they succeed.

This applies to both the initial Suicie Mission run and Hold The Line fight.

The risk to your ship has also been increased in this version of the mission, so you may find yourself in additional trouble if you didn’t nab those optional upgrades.

As intense as this take on the mission sounds, I’m pretty eager to give it a go. It’s certainly perfect for those of us who feel like we know the game pretty well these days.

The mod is free to download now on NexusMods.

Featured Image Credit: EA

Topics: Mass Effect, Bioware, EA, Mods, PC