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OG Habbo Hotel officially returns, and you can play free now

OG Habbo Hotel officially returns, and you can play free now

The 00s called, it wants its Habbo Hotel back

What in the 00s is going on? We’ve apparently gone back in time to when our parents questioned who we were talking to online while we decorated our quest rooms at Habbo Hotel.

Some of you will be too young to remember the mania that was Habbo Hotel, but never fear, for the virtual multiplayer is back.

Habbo Hotel: Origins is going to take us back to 2005, to before all the various investigations and backlash that the site faced. Best of all, it’s a free experience.

Don't believe it's really back? Check out the Habbo Hotel Origins trailer right now

On the Habbo website, the Origins story reads, “After discovering an old decrepit server with some long-lost files at the beginning of this year[...] long-time Habbo developer and player Macklebee has lovingly restored an old version of Habbo Hotel.”

It continues, “It’s been very special to see Macklebee and the other developers working to make this launch possible, and watching it take shape. The Habbo team is beyond excited to see everyone get into the game and experience 2005 all over again.”

Fans are already planning how to make their big entrance back into this pixelated world of mayhem and mischief, starting with the pool.

“Oh, the things I'd do to jump from the lido diving board once again!” commented @caprikatze on Twitter. To which Habbo Hotel replied, “Tomorrow you can.”

Well, tomorrow is now today, which means the pool is open, y’all!

“My text tone is the messenger sound LOL. I lived my entire life on Habbo, my account was made in September 2004! 20 freakin’ years ago!! I LOVE YOU GUYS TYY,” posted @linkie_png, just in case you were in doubt about how delighted people are.

We can’t wait to see what awful and hilarious happenings crack off now that the hotel’s doors are open once more.

Welcome back to the virtual world, Habbo Hotel! You’ve been strangely missed.

Featured Image Credit: Sulake

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