With Fallout 5 not expected to arrive any time soon, this free expansion is guaranteed to offer hours of brand-new content whilst you wait.
Although Bethesda is reportedly hard at work on developing both The Elder Scrolls VI and Fallout 5, it could still be many years until we are able to get our hands on the next iteration of some of our favourite RPGs.
Want to learn more about the Fallout franchise? Check out our video below!
However, until then, one creator has released Fallout: Vermont, a free-to-download expansion which adds a zombie apocalypse to Fallout 4.
Created by Yogibird111, Fallout: Vermont introduces a “large-scale 'zombie apocalypse' mod set in the state of Vermont”.
“Travel to the beautiful Green Mountain State, a land of vast forests, colourful riversides, quaint towns, and feral ghouls...lots and lots of feral ghouls,” the mod description reads.
We already know how annoying the feral ghouls are to deal with in Fallout 4, but imagine them descending in their hundreds.
With the “ferals” appearing out of nowhere, you must help the locals combat the infestation whilst slowly unveiling a devious conspiracy at play in the shadows.
Fallout: Vermont features no quest markers, so it will be up to you to explore the world and talk to people to figure out your next step.
By doing this, you will meet all manner of interesting characters and factions with all brand-new NPCs being fully-voiced.
All you have to do to get to “Vermont” is head through a secret tunnel just north of Sanctuary Hills to get started.
Since its upload back in August, the Fallout: Vermont mod has already received well over 5,000 unique downloads so if you want an exciting new story to get stuck into, you know what to do.