Fable Anniversary is a wonderful RPG. Anyone who claims differently clearly is misinformed; we don’t make the rules.
However, while a wonderful title, it’s starting to look a little dated by today’s standards.
With a distinct lack of new Fable instalments (at least for now), this fandom is in need of a win.
Thank goodness, then, that some dedicated soul has created a new-gen remaster that’s sure to take your breath away.
“That music brings emotions...” is one of the first YouTube comments you’ll see from gameplay footage of this mod in action.
Check out this beautiful remaster of Fable Anniversary for yourselves
OG Fable is considered “one of the all-time great RPGs”, and while Anniversary is a revamp of that iconic title, it still has all the allure of the original.
Another comment further down reads, “It looks really nice, Deep. What's that Reshade preset?”
Deepz Playz is the creator behind the new-gen footage we're all wowed by.
To achieve these stunning results, the YouTuber has used a modpack consisting of three NexusMods, all of which are linked in the video’s description.
Not only does this remaster – which you can download for free – breathe new life into this 2014 launched game (the OG title released way back in 2004), but it also restores “cut content”.
It’s been roughly a year since we saw a trailer for the new upcoming Fable game; a trailer that the devs assure us is actual gameplay footage.
Whether that’s true remains to be seen, as no whiff of another trailer drop has come since that time.
The Xbox Showcase in June may prove us wrong and reveal the Fable news we’re longing for, but if it doesn’t, we have new-gen remasters of a classic title to keep us going.
“Fable is on another level,” remarked Deepz Playz, and they’re not wrong. Not one bit.